Monday, January 6, 2014

All decked out, part 2

I have recently been informed by her Highness that I am a very, very mean mommy indeed because I only let Cora wear "appropriate attire" when she goes to school and Church.  It is surprising how hard it is to explain to a five year old why she can't wear this to the aforementioned places:
She wore this to chickfila, goodwill and the hardware store with her Daddy last weekend.  Colin said she has never been more regal and her majesty enjoyed greeting various subjects around town.

However, on the weekends and holidays, we pretty much give her Majesty free reign (literally) on dressing as she pleases.  In the spirit of a little girl is only five years old once and sadly there will come a time when wearing a tiara is no longer considered fashionable, something else that is hard to explain and a little depressing when Cora keeps asking me to wear one with her when we go out and about together.  Although once in a blue moon I give in and wear one, like when we had a mommy daughter luncheon at Cozy Tea last week.  In the spirit of me trying to live a life of no regrets and all.

Anyway, it is no secret that her Highness Corabel really goes all out when it comes to putting together an ensemble.   I am pretty sure she takes little girl couture to a whole new level which is mostly thanks to my talented Mama who has made her around 20 amazingly, beautifully crafted dress up dresses.  Not to mention the exotic gowns her Papa has brought her back from India over the years.  All of which have made our little girl feel extra special and has taken imagination play with her girlfriends to a whole new level of glamour.  

Cora actually "won" this belly dancing skirt at one of the belly dancing performances at Hooshang Rugs in Avondale.  It was made by one of the belly dancers and given to Cora for her enthusiasm for their dancing!  She shakes her hips pretty well too and it really brings out her attitude, for better or worse.

Christmas morning- Cora insisted on dressing up for Brunch at her grandparents house.  Loves her new Nutcracker (#2 in her collection).  

On her way to dance today with our sweet neighbor Adrielle.  She is always meticulous about planning her dancewear and is wearing a few necklaces and brooches under her cardigan.  Allen is not so excited about tagging along to ballet class and kept mumbling under his breath about wanting to go to the park and play T ball.
Sometimes Allen doesn't want anything to do with all this nonsense, but every now and then Cora convinces him to dress up too.  Which is when things really get interesting.  For example, see the photos below:

Here she is in one of her Indian dresses, with her pet zebra prince, who she is embracing... while holding his (Styrofoam) pirate knife in her hand.  And his parrot, who is apparently sick and needs her magical Indian princess healing powers to get better.  And they are playing this in front of their baby Christmas tree.   Wow what a caption haha.

Dressed up and put on a dance for me tonight while Colin is working late.  They were so goofy I even delayed watching Downton Abbey.  It made it even better that they were dancing to the Chipmunks Christmas music.

Allen ran upstairs to change into a shark/ cowboy/ train conductor outfit before the second act began.

I bent the rules a little and let her go to bed in the outfit pictured above tonight.  Her last words to me were "Mommy please please please can I wear this boa to school tomorrow?! It is like the scarves you wear to keep warm and it is going to be very cold tomorrow so I really need it." 

I told her to ask her father.

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