Tuesday, May 28, 2013

As good as it gets

Five Minutes' Peace
Cora picked out this book herself from the library.  I think the Author is my long lost best friend.  It is the BEST and a must read for any woman considering starting a family.

The first day of Summer (a.k.a. Cora not going to school for three whole months) is daunting to say the least.

I knew "this" was coming so I joined three museums and the zoo, pinned the library storytime schedule to the family bulletin board, enrolled Cora and Allen in four different Vacation Bible schools (don't you judge now) made a ton of frozen meals in case of emergency or mommy chronic fatigue syndrome and stocked the wine cabinet with $3 Don Simone.

Today was typical.  Hauled us to the Y, then library storytime, followed by a picnic and baby duck/ gosling feeding with my grandma.  Cora started sobbing because the "baby geese were growing up too fast and why does God make them get so so big so fast Mama?!!" (my thoughts exactly about you sweet one).

Afterwards it was time for Allen's nap and Cora's "quiet time" which only lasted 20 minutes and involved me scrubbing glitter nail polish off our newly tiled floor due to Cora's husband Jonathan wanting to "redecorate the place with sparkly floors".  Followed by me making numerous threats of the wrath (ok fairly benevolent punishments) I would unleash if she and Jonathan did not stay in the playroom please Cora.

So the thing is I managed to hold it together for most of the day and did my very best to run a tight ship while being loving and fun and herding the three of us to all of those aforementioned places which you mommies know is no small task indeed.

Then Colin called to inform me that he would be working late (my heart sank) so I hauled the kids to one last adventure at the Cummer so I could remain sane and manage to not open the wine before 6 pm.  The outing was fun and I even successfully prevented Cora and her friend that we met there from nearly smashing a huge container of Venetian glass globes in the gift shop and getting thrown out of the Gardens for climbing the walls and roughhousing with her buddies.

After I finally got her in bed, we read her new library books, said her prayers, sang a song and then I asked her the same question that I have asked her every night since she could form sentences: 

"Cora, what was the best part of today?" 

Recent answers have been "catching a whole worm family in my bug box", "when Cate's Mama found shark's teeth on the beach", "going to the Hands on Children's Museum", "Ellsa sharing her high heeled dress up shoes with me", "my new glitter glue",  and "when Daddy did let me watch Micky Mouse on his phone at Mojo's".

However, tonight's answer knocked the wind out of me, simply left me speechless and more grateful for my child and our little life than I have ever been.

"Cora, what was the best part of today?"


"What did you say sweetie?" (thinking I had misheard her)

"The best part of my day was you.  It was your heart Mama."


It is going to be a long, hot summer full of herding and hauling and manual labor and answering philosophical questions and desperately trying to get a moment of peace to myself, but that moment was just what I needed to know that we are going to be just fine. 

Wonderful actually.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Class of 2013

This morning, Cora sprinted in our room and threw herself on top of me and shouted "I GRADUATE TODAY MAMA!!" so loud it woke Allen up.  She was in such a state it was almost impossible to get her dressed, much less perfectly execute the "big, big ballerina bun" she requested.

I managed to get her to school on time, which still feels like a miracle every day, and then graduation began.  I was caught completely off guard by the tears rolling down my face when that graduation precession music started and I saw her walking down the aisle of the church with so much poise and her face shining with pride and anticipation.  Cora performed her songs with so much enthusiasm and joy, I thought I was going to burst with pride.

After we went to the reception and posed for pictures, I told Cora we could have a family lunch wherever her little heart desired.  I thought she would demand a platter of raw oysters at the Blue Fish or the foie gras at Orsay but she shocked us all by saying she just wanted some cheese pizza so we headed to Al's.

I surprised her with a gift of a dress up set that included "heeled glass slippers like the kind we play with at her friend Ellsa's house" which she has requested numerous times the past few months and I don't think she has ever been so delighted.  She wore them for the rest of the day- to chickfila for some post lunch ice cream. my mom's house and the Y... strutting her new shoes, big hair and big "I graduated from Pre-K" attitude, our little girl about town.

Some of my favorite moments from today...

Cora getting her diploma from her wonderful teacher, Ms. Janie Lyon.

Cora and Ozy


wearing their coordinating dresses, made by my talented Mama
Cora showing off her star, also made by my mom

her face after opening the dress-up accessories gift. 

so glamorous!

this photo really captures our relationship dynamic


daddy wanted to pose with the little glamour girl too.          

Happy Summer!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Springtime fun

My life in a nutshell. 

Cinco de Mayo fiesta at chickfila

which inspired a birthday party for Cora's "daughter" Sophia.  We even invited my parents.

Of course Allen wanted his own "cakey" too.
Colin trying to look tough while planting pansies.

little valet carrying Mother's day gifts to his Tatsy's house

The difference between boys and girls is perfectly illustrated here by Cora and Allen's friend Tuggy.

Another illustration of the difference between boys and girls.  Thankfully Allen's baby is not for real like Cora's is.
however Allen proved to be a good daddy walking around Riverside.
Cora got to hold baby Poppy.  She was in HEAVEN.

Who says three is a crowd?

nothing like laying in grass and watching the clouds with your friends on a beautiful Spring evening.

Tuggy sandwich.
Sweet Mac at concert in the park
Two riders!
spontaneous tea party with cutest next door neighbor ever!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Love Bug

Yesterday morning over breakfast.

Me:  "Cora, do you think you might want to go camping with me and your Daddy soon?"

Cora: (following a long silence) "But Mommy, I don't know how to camp! Do I need skis?"


Today we met Cora's friend Ozy and her mom at the zoo splash park.  It was a beautiful morning and the kids were at their best.  Cora and Ozy played "mermaids" and they decided it was ok for them to both be Ariel (I was thankful I didn't have to break up any baby cat fights over the matter).  Allen and Ozy's little brother Lincoln were fascinated by the water drain things that are covered with grates.  I have no idea why but they took turns looking down into the drain for about an hour, occasionally taking breaks to run and give their mommy's some dripping wet hugs but we didn't mind too much.

On the way out, Cora's day got even better when she announced she had caught a real live "Baby Love Bug named Katrina" and she cupped it in her palms and starting planning aloud how she would nurture the little love bug and make a happy home for it in her lunch box.

So she rode with the love bug in its "home" in her lap on the way back to our home and of course it didn't make it very long, poor creature. 

Cora: "Mama, Katrina's soul has gone to be with God in Heaven."

I told her we should remember Katrina in her prayers tonight and thank God for making all creatures great and small.

"Is it ok if we call Patsy so I can tell her I caught a delicate bug?  Because Patsy loves delicate creatures just like I do."

So I dialed my Mom who has been in California for a wedding.  She didn't answer so Cora left a voice mail in a very small and hushed voice, talking as quickly as she could.  

"Paaatsy? Hi it is Cora and I was just calling to tell you that I caught a love bug which is a most delicate animal and I showed Ozy and it only had three legs but I made it a home anyway and then I took it in the car and then it died. (long pause)  That is sad, isn't it? Bye."


Today I am thankful for our sweet Cora and her contagious love of nature and enthusiasm for all living things, even animals that are not pretty or cuddly or particularly impressive like love bugs. 

Feeding ducks last year.  Allen calls them quackies.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Coralina Ballerina

My mom kept Allen for the afternoon so we could have some girl time and get ready for the recital in (relative) peace.  I asked Cora what she wanted to do and she said eat a chocolate frosted donut and pick out glitter nail polish- wishes granted.  It is the little things in life ;-)
Practicing on her "stage".

Love her in this color!!

With Sophia, my friend Ann Marie's daughter.  We went to Episcopal together and have been friends for years!
With adorable Cate- Cate's mama Allison and I did ballet together (30 years ago) and it is extra special to see the girls dance and play together!! Maybe their daughter will do ballet together someday, who knows!

Our somewhat wayward and disheveled family.  I actually prefer pictures like this because who am I kidding.  This is just how we look!!