This morning we celebrated our little guy's 4th birthday by granting his wish for a bicycle-Tball-stomp rocket-cakey-contruction site party. So in a very un-pinteresty way, his little group of friends brought their bikes, wore capes with fire on them made by my mama and we brought all of the other aforementioned items to a park and let the boys have at it. Mimosas were in order for the adults as it is the key to surviving mass chaos before noon.
Thank goodness it didn't rain and despite many bicycle collisions and wipeouts, there were no major booboos or trips to the E.R.
Ivy with baby Bishop, the beauty queen of Avondale Avenue. |
Jake, whose friendship is extra valuable to Allen due to the fact he has a real train in his house. I am not kidding. |
Cora let Allen lead the bike race, for once. She was ok with this because she was the only girl and had lots of other little boys there to boss around. |
Little riders with their bad-*** capes. |
Fierce little fellow! |
John and fierce Pierce |
Another fierce Pierce. |
Carl and Jack. Jack gets credit for starting the whole cape trend. Thank goodness he did because everything in life is better with a cape on, especially when you are a little guy. |
Cora and her subjects. I mean, Allen and his best buddies anticipating cakey. |
Steve and Dane, our next door neighbor who has taught Allen about how much fun it is playing with their tool set. So someday my future daughter-in-law can thank Dane and Steve for Allen being "handy" as he certainly doesn't get it from me or his daddy. |
Husein and Penelope, whose hair is just as impressive as her brother Jake's! |
Bicycle cupcakeys |
Birthday candles! 4 of them now- wow!! |
Making a wish... probably to survive life sandwiched in between two girls! |
Allen and his best friend, Corapunzel. My Loves!!!!!!!!!! |