Saturday, September 21, 2013

L'arte du Cora or however you say it in French

Portrait of Cora and I rocking our tiaras.

I grew up surrounded by artists.  Mom had her own art business not to mention all of her creative hobbies- sewing all our clothes, quilting, table-scaping, holiday decorating, ect.  My sister now owns her own photography business and is a free lance writer on the side.  And my mom has five siblings who all are artists.

So no surprise that we find ourselves with another little artiste in the family.  Cora's little drawings have really come a long way recently and warm my heart to no end.  I love Children's art because it really provides a window into how their magical little minds see the world around us.  Here are a few of my favorites!!!

Picasso-esque dinosaur.  How sophisticated!

LOVE this one.  A queen and her castle with a dog inside of it.

Cora brought this one home from school and said "look Mama- a mommy and baby owl.  Just like you and me!"

Rapunzel's four story castle.  I asked Cora why it says "Cora's castle" if it is Rapunzel's castle and she said "well I am just the ark-tek, like Miss Kassia is so I am just the one who designed it for her."

Cora and I riding a giant pig, which happens to be my favorite animal.  If I had a choice between diamonds or this drawing, I would choose this masterpiece!