Tender big brother and sister. Please, please stay this way forever T3. |
Our 3 in a nutshell. Cora nurturing RM while admiring her other "charge", Allen, who is being his goofy self. |

Rosemary is five months old now and before too much time goes past I wanted to come up for air and give a quick update. The dust seems to have settled a bit around here and we are enjoying the new normal. We put off having a third for so long and then braced ourselves for mass chaos and so it has actually been easier than Colin and I thought. Of course Cora and Allen can dress themselves, are potty trained, can communicate (this can also make things significantly harder though) and go to school a lot of the time which is what we thought would be the best for our family before having our savor baby.
The summer certainly had its challenging moments... the neverending stomach flu that plagued our home for 3 weeks but miraculously RM and I were the only two to avoid it.... learning to load the T3 in the car while keeping my patience... coming up with manageable activities to do with 3 kids... attending two weddings and we took a trip to CA with the girls which was also a lot easier than I thoughts... adjusting to being home alone with the T3 when Colin resumed working nights and weekends.
Rosemary is only five months old but it is already hard to imagine life before her. She has been so quick to smile and laugh and has a wonderful bright demeanor. She is alert but seems to take life in stride. Loves to be massaged, held, snuggled and lights up whenever she sees her bigs. She loves to take walks especially with Daddy in the bjorn, play with her little baby toys and she sings her baby cooing songs in her crib every morning... no better sound in the world. She has been overall a great eater and sleeper. However she is amazingly loud- happily screeches and babbles and fake coughs for our attention when we don't respond to her noises. Pretty soon it is going to be hard for the men in this family to get in a word edgewise!! She is in the 97th percentile for height and the 95th for weight- our fastest growing baby by far.
Some photos from the past few months...