Luckily, Chickfila (Allen calls it "Chick-PLAY") had their Superhero night when Colin had to work last week. My Mom, of course, made the kids custom capes. |
With two of their favorite heroes, Batman... and who else, Tuggy! Not sure why Cora has a hint of the Moore scowl or why she refused to wear her mask. |
Freemans joined us too!! Jack gets all the credit for being the cape trend setter! |
In other news, today I decided to bury my to-do list and enjoy the beautiful day with my little guy. We went to the zoo and for the first time ever, I told Allen that I would follow him around for a change. When I told him the news that he was in charge, he stopped for a second, eyes as big as saucers, jaw dropping and then took off running, I mean flailing, around the zoo faster than I have ever seen him move. I had to keep yelling until I was hoarse to get him to slow down and stop weaving in between school groups, strollers and old ladies.
So he spent the next few hours following the tooting of the train (literally, he would hear it and we would both run in whatever direction the tooting was coming from). The only mistake I made was going to the gym first which was totally not necessary considering I was running after him for hours. I was relieved when he wanted to visit the same reptile house three times (air conditioning!!) and finally, mercifully, demanded that we ride the train the entire loop around the zoo.
He heard the toot toot. We ran. Thank God we got to the elephants just in time to see the train pass. |
He wanted to hang out in the photo booth and was bummed I didn't have any cash. |
But, at least he got to press the buttons. About a hundred times each. |
On the train. He crushed me when he wouldn't sit on my lap and loudly told me to stop kissing his head. |
Colin has always said Allen's hair reminds him of a bird's nest. I just LOVE it. I love messing it up, kissing it, resting my hand on top of his head and obnoxiously taking pictures of it. Only a mother could find this picture interesting. Sorry. |
Allen made this weird smiley face the whole train ride. |
After our zoo adventure, we picked Cora up and I sent Allen up for his "nap" (which I am still pretending he has not given up) and told Cora that she and I both needed some quiet time. She emerged from the playroom an hour later with the following gems (funny that all of Cora's princesses have crazy big hair just like she does):
This is Ariel's Mama. |
Rapunzel. |
Patsy, my mama, and Cora playing dress up. |
Patsy and Cora playing mermaid princesses. |
"Tinkerbell and her friends" |
Belle in her ballgown |
Cinderella and her friend at the beach. |
Happy, Happy Friday everyone!!