A picture speaks a thousand words. I will just say that this is from a playdate last week. Mattie was delightful as always and Cora was being a stick in the mud- right here because I said NO T.V. Love both of their little outfits though. Cora looks like a Diva and Mattie is a cheerleader. Somehow fitting. |
This morning I was awakened by Cora, who had her head in "her spot" (which means my shoulder) and her first words of the day which were: "Mama, your heart sounds like it has a little drum in it. It is like there is a song in your heart."
Fast-forward 10 minutes after the sweetest comment in the world and we are downstairs, me dealing with the aftermath of Cora beating up her brother with a pillow because of him trying to share "her spot" (my shoulder) which caused him to fall off of the bed and then she threw a royal tantrum due to me not being able to find the swan cookie cutter to cut her peanut butter toast. Then Allen, who is being potty trained, pooped on the floor and our wayward dog tried to eat it. Which made me almost throw up.
(Relatively) New Motherhood: The best and worst (I mean most challenging/ frustrating) of times. But mostly best!
Here are some of the better times last week:
Spontaneous zoo trip. We never miss a carousel. |
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Caught a lizard at the play park. |
Came home and played dress up in an outfit Papa brought back from India. Love it! |
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Random pic from the zoo trip of two monkeys napping together. It just warmed my heart. |