In the car this morning (on the way to get pink frosted donuts at the neon pink Donut King for good behavior at the YMCA)...
Cora: So Mommy, what is your car made out of?
Me: Uh, well the windows are a kind of glass... and the outside is metal and paint, and the inside like the seats are leather.
Cora: What is leather?
Me: well, it is actually the skin of a cow.
Cora: oh Mommy... (rolling her eyes)... How is that possible that
this (touching the seat), is a COW? That is so silly. And cows have spots most of the time, did you know that?!! but there are no spots on this seat.
Me: It really is made from a cow though Cora,
trust me (someone gave me this line to use when toddlers start questioning everything and I may have overused it lately as it gets less and less effective).
Cora: Mommy, I bet they hurt the cow to get the skin, didn't they? Well I think the cows have actually died I mean gone to heaven by the time they get the skin sweetheart.
Cora: Oh ok! (long silence) .... "So how do you say Cow in Spanish again?
Later, Colin and Cora were off on a date so it was up to me to tuck the little guy in for his nap. With Cora home for the summer and our schedules jam-packed, I have not had the time or energy lately for our pre-nap ritual of books, snuggles and singing. Allen has pretty much gotten a stack of books on his bed to read to himself and me giving him a kiss on the forehead and he giving me his best Moore scowl in return.
But today was different. Sure I have the normal stuff to do, all of which I am behind on at the moment, but it is the weekend and for once we were home alone, just me and Addy Boom. First Allen picked out books to read, including "Little Blue Truck", his all time favorite (and my favorite one to read to him) and then his second favorite, "Bear Wants More".
After we read the books in his bed, he wanted me to tuck him in on his quilt on the floor as usual. Yes, Allen still sleeps exclusively on the floor until Colin and I sneak in and scoop him onto his little bed, but at least he is no longer sleeping in the closet. Baby steps and all that.
Since the house was so quiet and peaceful and I was in my pre-afternoon coffee slump, I found myself laying next to him on the quilt, and the next thing I knew he was giving me a proper tuck-in. He got himself a little stack of books and sat Indian style, "reading" each one the best he could. Then he covered me in blankets and brought me every stuffed animal in his room, including his precious "Gween-gin" (penguin) which he carefully arranged around my body. The next thing I knew he was petting my head attempting to sing "Edelweiss", the song I always sing him that my dad sang to me every night when I was his age. Then we curled up together and discussed the rain.
Allen: Mama rain side!
Me: yes it is raining outside, which is good so Mommy won't have to water the flowers today.
<thunder booms>
Allen: (crawls on top of me): Tuuuuunder Mama! Ayen skeered.
Me: It's ok Allen. Look we are making a tower together since you are laying on top of me, just like you make towers with your blocks. Look, I am putting your alligator and bear on top of us so they are part of our tower too.
Allen: (rolls himself off of me knocking the bear and gator down too): AYEN knock tower all down!! (cheering) Yeah!! Gaint mama!!! (translation: do it again mama, which we did about 20 times).
Happy weekend!!
pink donut and pink milk for Miss pink from the "pink" donut shop |
Allen devouring the very masculine "bwown" (brown aka chocolate) doughnut |
from my love. Just because. |