At his Mini-party with his guys from the neighborhood. All five of them. Oh and some balls. Keeping it simple for real this year. |
The Little Guy
turned 3!
Allen runs (like a
duck), does puzzles (amazingly quickly thanks to Cora's help), climbs anything and everything (cars, trees, cribs, fences), dances (like the
stars) and has even started to form sentences (thank goodness).
Addy, as we still
sometimes call him –a.k.a. the Happiest Person I have ever met in my life- has
a contagious joie du vivre... shares with his friends, loves laughing with just
about anyone, is still obsessed with trains and considers his Big Sister to be his
best friend in the world.
I hope he never stops
giving me his smoldering hugs and goofy smiles.
Thanks to Allen, I will get ridiculously excited every time I am stuck at
a train for the rest of my life.
A few of his
favorites things this year:
Outings: To any
PLAYGROUND, the Zoo, “Tatsy’s House” or to see Mr. Josh at storytime, fishing
with Daddy, to Lowes with Mama so he can sit on the tractors and the highlight of his day is picking up Cora from her playschool.
Blueberries, FRIES (he screams “FRIES!!” every time we pass a burger joint),
mini-muffins, cheese, chocolate, pizza and every kind of fruit.
Sentences: Daddy “gwerk” (translation: Daddy goes to work). He also calls Fireworks “fire GWERKS” which
we think is hilarious.
Words: GUNK= Milk, “WA-WA”= Cora, Tatsy= Patsy, my
mom, which is an improvement from last year when she was “Ditsy”. "Quack-quie" duck.
Tuggy and Pierce! They are like little bear cubs together. |
Loves chocolate!! |
Who knew the top of the cake box could be such a fun hat to wear. All the other boys wanted to wear Allen's "hat" too so he must be a trendsetter. |
YUM! |
Nothing to do with Allen's birthday but here is an adorable pic of Cora and Harley, our next door neighbor!