Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas in Asheville

When I was a teenager, Mom and Dad sat Reese and me down to break the news that in lieu of big Christmas presents, our gift from them would be to travel to a really cool place every other year.  We have gone to Santa Fe, NM numerous times (skiing!), as well as Italy, Charleston, Callaway Gardens and Asheville this year.  It is hard to beat the gift of time together and memories.  

Thank you, Mom and Dad for making this one of my favorite family traditions and for making this year one of the most memorable Christmases ever.

 A few of my favorite parts of the trip:

Puddling jumping was the highlight of the tour of the Biltmore for the kids.  Especially since Cora had her new pink, fur topped boots from Santa.  The highlight for the adults was all of us being shocked that Cora stole my mom's audiotour headset and listened to the whole two hour tour... and we also enjoyed the wine tasting of course.

After the pink boots, Cora's second favorite gift was her Nutcracker.  Allen loves to "make it bite" and antagonize Cora in every imaginable way when she is pretending to be Clara. 

Allen loved this chinese toy.  I have no idea what it is called but remember getting them in my own stocking.  He is into chasing people and sticks when he is not playing with trains, which is what Allen does 99% of the time.

Train gingerbread house centerpiece, created by Allen and Cora with Mom's help.

Encounter with a creepy Reindeer at the Grove Park Inn.  Cora did not know what to think and was actually speechless for once.
Saw hundreds of gingerbread houses at the Grove Park Inn.  This one, not surprisingly, was Cora's favorite.

This pic pretty much captures my relationship with Cora.

Cora in her snowsuit and the infamous pink boots.

Watching the Royal Ballet on Daddy's phone.  Again.  The music is still in my head.
ok this pic is not from our trip but I love it!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


In a nutshell, I had everyone over for Thanksgiving, entertained friends from London, Co-Chaired Staffing for the Arts and Antiques Show, hosted the MOPS Christmas Party and am shopping and packing for a week long vacation (!!!) in Asheville, NC over Christmas. 

Will write more when this all of this wonderful chaos is over.  We are having fun though!

Hope y'all are too!  :-)  

Some recent pics...

Thanksgiving table setting, courtesy of Mom and Annie.
Cora helped by handwriting place cards.  She did a pretty good job... scrambling the letters.  The one above is mine.

Look closely- Cora is eating SMOKED OYSTERS as her afternoon snack after school.  With milk, of course.

At her dance recital, holding the chocolate rose Daddy gave her.

Cora's School Nativity Program.  Little Corapunzel was thrilled to be a "Heavenly Star".  Allen loved wearing his Shark raincoat with the hood up as always.

Loving the camera these days.  Glad she agrees with me that the bigger the bow, the better.  Also note the Jack Rusell on her sweater.  LOVE Hartstrings, almost as much as Mom's sewing and smocking :-).

Devilish laughs!!  Colin and I are so in trouble when these two get older.  And wow do we have our hands full now. (and our hearts too!)

Annual Pre-Nutcracker lunch with Poppy at the Blue Fish.  Best Daddy I could ever have.  And friend, grandfather, ect...SO blessed.  Love you so much Dad!!

Cora ordered Coconut shrimp, strawberries and cream (which is NOT actually on the menu), and some other thing I can't even remember.

Cora and sweet, beautiful Cate at the Nutcracker.  Too bad Cora was totally in a bad mood and annoyed that the Nutcracker that I gave Cate had glitter on it and hers did not.   But it was still fun and really cool as Cate's mom Allison and I were in ballet together when we were little girls!!

The Fort that Cora and friends built in Boone Park today.

Cora and a friend from school.  Who bonded over a mutual love of big bows and building forts.